and how it operates
The ghost in the machine is a reference to the soul or spirit within the human body. Some have referred to this as your Higher Self, Holy Guardian Angel, Higher Power, or even, non dualistically as ‘God” consciousness, Krishna consciousness or Christ consciousness. The mind of Christ or even the Akashic libraries are all hard-wired into your DNA. The ancestors referred to them as the gods. You body is the temple of the gods.
The gods in the temple are your subconscious archetypes. Subconscious archetypes are the universal symbols of the various types of people and situations you will encounter throughout your lifetime. The concept of subconscious archetypes has been utilized for centuries, first by the Ancient Greeks, who believed that human behavior could be observed through universal symbols and patterns. The ancients called them gods. These archetypes were based on observations of the behavior of both “the gods” (which are the archetypes themselves) and the behavior of humans as it is incorporated into the collective human psyche. Today, these archetypes are still used to describe certain patterns of thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Subconscious archetypes are universal patterns of thought that indicate the way we think, feel, and act in any given situation. You are born with the template in your DNA and it is custom-tailored as you grow older. Your subconscious archetypes are unique to you and are always changing. They are used to explain the psychological structure of the human mind and can be accessed through your imagination and dreams. Knowing your archetypes will allow you to gain insight into your experiences and better understand yourself and others.
Once you have become more familiar with your subconscious archetypes, you can begin to communicate with them. There are several methods the most popular being simple prayer. But sometimes simply praying doesn’t seem to cut it. So other methods have been developed over the ages. Ritual Magic and channeling are a couple of methods. Tarot cards and crystal gazing and Ouija boards are also popular devices. These are all fun and tried and true proven methods. However, my preferred method is dream control. But this takes some to master and it isn’t always consistent. All these things are frowned upon by the superstitious and it is surprising how many fearful people there are.
So that leaves meditation, ritual and psychodrama self-hypnosis if you don’t have a therapist. Which means you need to create a sacred space for yourself. Depending on your preference, this could involve creating a quiet corner of your home, setting up an altar, or simply getting into a comfortable position and closing your eyes. Once your space is ready, you can enter a state of relaxation and begin to explore your inner world. As your mind and body begin to relax, pay attention to any symbols, images, or patterns that appear in your mind. Make note of the images, thoughts and ideas in your journal. These symbols and patterns can help to open up a dialogue with your subconscious archetypes.
If you don’t have a special space you can still write in your journal anyway. Draw pictures of the temple where the god lives. Write poetry about him or her or it. Draw mystical symbols and representations or whatever it is that resonates with you. You can write that archetype a letter if you need. Even though you think that these are merely figments in your imagination, know that they are also real entities within you. They are hardwired into your DNA. They are essentially what makes you “YOU”. This activity will get their attention.
Once you have their attention you are going to want to make friends with them. Each archetype behaves independently with its personality and agenda. If you go into the temple thinking you are going to kick ass and take charge you are in for a disappointment. Be as respectful and polite as you would expect if someone, a stranger maybe, or someone who you controlled came to you and asked you for a favor that only you could provide. They have likes and dislikes which have been cataloged in various traditions worldwide.
The creative aspirant will be able to find suitable resources to draw from. The easiest is to stay within the parameters of the mythology you were raised with if any. I envy the faithful who have never ventured into the dark side. Ignorance is truly bliss. All religions hold a piece of the puzzle. Even the most violent and fascist movements share the core basic tenets of love, altruism, and compassion. So, until you can extract yourself from their clutches you may have to exercise discretion.
Just remember your physical body is the house of god made without hands. Within you reside the gods of your ancestors and a few new ones due to evolution. This temple of the gods is accessed through your mind. What goes on in there is yours and yours alone. So, even if the only practice you can get away with is reading about it and thinking about it, you are technically always in a sacred space. In the world but not a part of it is the axiom.
More information about interior or esoteric methods of communicating with the gods is readily available online with just the click of a search icon. If I can’t provide you with enough cues, there are plenty of others. There are plenty of people who are willing to share information. All you have to do is ask. The hard part sometimes can be knowing the right questions to ask.
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It’s called Occult for a reason.
It’s between you and god.
The author (Majyckle) is not a qualified psychologist or therapist in any fashion. Please seek the help of a qualified professional if you need to. However, I hope for this series of posts to help others as I explore myself and discuss dreams and other related things. So feel free to comment if you like, as I am always willing to learn.
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