In the beginning was the word
In many cultures all over the world there are creation myths which allude to all existence as being vibratory in nature. In the Abrahamic traditions it is asserted that God literally spoke the Universe into being. Asian Sacred traditions hold that the sound of the Universe is AUM, which is basically the sound of everything vibrating in the universe together.
If you have followed the Many wonders of Dreaming Series you will know already that I assert that we are literally created or grown in the anthropomorphic image of god, however your belief in, of or about him/her/it/them to be. I have shown you that the human body is a warehouse of cosmic information contained in Your DNA and transmitted from this Akashic library via dreams and other various psychic phenomena.
You have seen that the various archetypes have been ‘placed in the heavens’ by our ancestors after untold generations of observation by people just as smart, if not smarter, than you or I. Each archetype is associated with a chakra, which could be considered a room in the temple of the gods. You should have gleaned by now that since each chakra has it’s own frequency, you, as a musical instrument (sort of) can be in harmony or out of tune.
The planets also have a frequency with which they are associated. These are known as the music of the spheres. These spheres are also sometimes seen as sheaths of the human psycho-spiritual-physiology. Astrology is a science I do not necessarily understand but I intuit that the planets orbiting around the sun in their respective vibrations create a song of sorts which is affected by their respective positions and the various other phenomena in proximity.
When the music is in harmony it is pleasant and makes you happy. You want to crank it up so the neighbors can hear it. The vibe and the tone make you feel something. You want to dance and sing and share it. You want other people to do the same.
If it doesn’t mix well with your ‘vibratory frequency’ you will not like it by nature. (which is different than pop culture and peer pressure) You will know this because you will either frown or you will smile. The term physiognomy has to do with facial expressions. In Christian Mystical Circles one’s facial expression is often referred to as one’s countenance.
There are times when you constantly frown and you do not even realize you are doing it. It has become such an issue with some people that they are having Botox treatment to prevent themselves from forming the wrinkles associated with this most revealing form of “psychic” communication. When you are in a good mood your ‘countenance’ will be cheerful. Other times you feel grumpy and frown and you do not understand why.
Simply put you are out of tune. In some traditions they would say your chakras are clogged, or dirty. You will recall that each chakra is a room in the temple of the gods. Each god/planet/archetype is, for one reason or another, tweaked high or low due to whatever activity that particular archetype is presently concerned with being prominent in the psyche at the moment. It is either ‘hyper’ or ‘hypo’ which means ‘over’ or ‘under’. We say hyperactive or depressed respectively. Also known as bi-polar when they swing from one status to the other dramatically.
With a little reflection upon your personal recent activities, one should be able to ascertain the root cause of the frown. By knowing the ‘correspondences’ associated with that ‘event’ the cognitive student should be able to devise several means of therapy. Expediency could be an issue when in a pinch or tight spot. So the simplest and most innocuous piece of majycke one can inconspicuously do in public is often done in jest instinctively.
This is when you pretend you are not doing something and whistle innocently, usually with a friend perhaps saying, “Look over there!” and then, when they turn their head, You steal their cookie. The point I am trying to make is that you can’t really whistle a tune without being in a good mood.
When you are in a good mood and there is nobody looking you probably sing a little song or do a little dance. By now you should have been able to put together what I am getting at. You can take control of the situation by humming a little tune and frequently this is shown in the movies as a frustrated person who is afraid and is trying not to be.
If you know which archetype you need to worship or sing to then it is easy. A favorite song which empowers you is probably already working on your psyche. Oddly enough the lyrics may even correspond with how you currently feel or need to feel. Use this information from your subconscious to handle whatever situation it is wisely.
This ends part 1 of the essay on Spell casting.
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It’s called Occult for a reason.
It’s between you and god.
The author (Majyckle) is not a qualified psychologist or therapist in any fashion. Please seek the help of a qualified professional if you need to. However, I hope for this series of posts to help others as I explore myself and discuss dreams and other related things. So feel free to comment if you like, as I am always willing to learn.
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