A few more mnemonic devices and techniques to induce lucid dreams
Within your body is the repository of all the knowledge in the universe. You do not access this knowledge because you do not need it. All you really need is the knowledge that helps you function on a day-to-day basis. If you are struggling with an issue then the ability to gain lucidity during the dream phase is a good way to literally discuss it with yourself.
Gaining lucidity is easier for some than it is for others. There are various reasons for this. Mostly I think it’s a safety check valve sort of. When you are lucid dreaming, you rob yourself of some of the down time the mind needs to process the information collected through out the day. Just as physical sleep deprivation can affect one’s mental state, so can excessive lucid dreaming.
When we are dreaming our eyes move rapidly which has been called Rapid Eye Movement or REM for short. Knowing this the student may attempt to simulate this upon lying down to sleep. If you are more advanced you may recognize this also as a technique for creative visualization during ‘active’ meditation (as opposed to passive).
With your eyes closed look at the center of your forehead and move your eyes back and forth from right to left and right etc.,. Researchers have noticed that the eyes move in certain patterns during this stage but not always consistently with every dream. From this I glean that REM simulation can be used as a trigger to awaken in one’s dream.
Pick a pattern to dart your eyes. An example would be beginning forward we have left, center and right. (L, C, T) Since you do not know exactly how the daily dream debriefing is going to go, pick a few random movements. Look left 2 times then back and forth then right, for instance. Whatever pattern you pick, stick to it and tell yourself that when your REM repeats this move you will become aware of the dream.
Another tool you can use would be to choose some object in your room and visualize yourself standing in front of it looking at it as you fall asleep. Presuming, of course, that you are still wrapping yourself with light every night as suggested previously. You may find yourself standing in your body of light looking at the object and then turn around to see yourself laying on the bed.
If this has never happened to you before then be prepared. If it frightens you then you will wake up and miss an opportunity to see how far you can get until it snaps you back. The younger you are the closer you will stay to the body. This is because you’re not “ripe” yet, so to speak. If you are out of body, you may encounter beings you have only suspected.
This is often mistaken for a different dimension or an astral plane. I assert it is more akin to an alternative atmosphere. I suspect that this is what is beyond the veil everyone speaks of. When we are ‘ripe’ our body dies and we ‘appear’ here in our new ‘wineskins’ as Jesus called it. Premature death results in either obliteration or reincarnation.
Anyway, another way to possibly help yourself achieve lucidity would be to use a recording. There are many videos available designed for just this purpose. Some of them are up to 10 hours long so you play them while you sleep. Or you can make your own with a little creativity you can even influence your dreams. This is the premise of a guided meditation taken to the next level.
Previously I touched on idol worship as a means of contacting the archetypes or gods which reside in the temple of your body. Similarly, you can take a photo of yourself or some object to represent yourself strategically placed somewhere that you can tell yourself you are going to be lucid tonight while you dream. Speak to yourself correctly. Only you know how you would respond and sometimes you don’t know. Be respectful to yourself as you would like to be treated by others.
Another method would be to get yourself a ‘magic ring’ which you wear only when you want to lucid dream. You never wear this ring any other time and not every night. Treat this ring special with a special box, place, everything. You can anoint it with oil and pray over it if you wish. You can cast a spell on it if you wish. You just need to create the link between your intention, the ring, and lucid dreaming.
It doesn’t have to be a ring. It can be a sleeping mask or a pair of pajamas. It can be anything of your choosing. The important thing is that it suits your purpose and style. If you are religious you could even say a prayer before you go to sleep making sure to include that you want to be lucid in your dream.
This is one of those things which you may wish to keep to yourself. Never show the ring off to anyone other than those whom you trust the most dearly. Simply because in the ‘occulture’ people can test their limits. Someone could secretly curse your ring just because. Seriously. People are funny. How you accept that is up to you. Besides, this ‘secrecy’ reinforces the connection with the intent of becoming lucid in your dream.
Real Masters have no need to advertise.
It’s called Occult for a reason.
It’s between you and god.
The author (Majyckle) is not a qualified psychologist or therapist in any fashion. Please seek the help of a qualified professional if you need to. However, I hope for this series of posts to help others as I explore myself and discuss dreams and other related things. So, feel free to comment if you like, as I am always willing to learn.
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