The Many Wonders of Dreaming Part 12

4 min readJan 24, 2023


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Dreams, cultivated OCD awareness, superstition and majycke.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a type of anxiety which generally leads to what is referred to as ritualistic behavior. An example might be counting repetitive objects such as steps or bricks or the pickets on a fence. Generally speaking, it is a subconscious distraction developed by some individuals to alleviate social anxieties. For instance, you feel as if no one is paying you any attention. You think perhaps it’s an oversight and not a slight so you while away the time counting the tiles on the ceiling as you wait. Over the years it becomes a habit to count things. Because sometimes people catch you counting and strike up conversation around it, this becomes a sort of ritual to gain attention in awkward situations.

These little rituals and habits also play out in your subconscious. For some people with OCD, it may have developed slightly differently, yet the idea is the same; The ritual must be completed for whatever reason. I draw the correlation between OCD, superstition and majycke on the basis of repetitive associative behavior. I want to show the student how this correlates with dreaming and, if you have developed one of these ticks, how to use it to your advantage.

All habits are Dreams based on a corresponding belief or thought process. The superstitious believe walking under a ladder is bad luck. Logic dictates that many things could happen concerning the ladder and whether or not someone is using the ladder. Disaster is associated with walking under ladders.

Stepping on a crack in the sidewalk can be a superstition which began as a children’s game while walking on a cracked sidewalk. “step on a crack and break your mothers back” we would say as we tried not to step on the cracks in the sidewalk. Nobody’s mother ever got a broken back from stepping on a crack in the sidewalk. And yet, at the age of forty you may find yourself compelled to avoid cracks in the sidewalk ‘on principle’. However, people have had ladders fall on them and worse, people have fallen off ladders because other people walked under them. One superstition is silly and one has logic behind it.

In our dreams there are certain archetypes built in which are there for our protection by default. This archetype may manifest as Prophet making dire warnings or even as an opponent or guard who blocks every attempt to achieve. They are associated with the part of the physical body which acts an alarm. The amygdala is a tiny, almond shaped region in the limbic system (the emotional part) of the brain. Its primary function is to call you to attention, and in an emergency, to mobilize or shut-down your body and mind so that you’ll survive.

If for some reason you feel stifled or hindered there may be a connection. You are designed for survival even though you can override the instinct. Your “self” may be sabotaging you for reasons unknown. Certain fears hold you back whether they seem real or not. Often these hindrances are not helpful. Your subconscious seems to think they are helpful but in reality, they are not. The subconscious is a computer and takes its information from your experiences so, it does, in essence, give you what you really want whether you like it or not.

If a thing or situation which you want to happen in your life is not happening then it is because you do not actually want it to happen. If it was important to you then you would be making it happen. The issue brings you displeasure or is simply not as important to you as you think it is or want to believe it is.

An example is taking the garbage out. Some people are perfectly content to sit in a pile of garbage while others feel it is absolutely imperative that the room be kept spotless.

The same thing occurs in the subconscious. You are protecting yourself from something. Which is all fine and dandy but the real issue is how do we deal with it? Many turn to alcohol and drugs. These can temporarily forge past the barriers which hold you back. But eventually they deteriorate the physical body which in turn effects everything else.

We have established that many of the responses we have to situations are genetic and some are learned. Either way we have discovered that some are undesirable and we need to change these response patterns. I have offered a few discreet yet effective means which have been used by millions of people all over the globe for thousands of years.

Mnemonic devices can be used to trigger lucid dreams so that one may confront or learn from the archetype which is causing the distress. Symbols associated with that archetype are used to get its attention and favor for a particular thing you wish to do. Folk magics and religions have evolved as a result of this behavior.

Ponder all these things as you wrap yourself in your body of light tonight. This concludes this series for now. Remember, just because it’s a secret doesn’t mean you can’t tell anybody; just the people you don’t want to know.

Real Masters have no need to advertise.

It’s called Occult for a reason.

It’s between you and god.

The author (Majyckle) is not a qualified psychologist or therapist in any fashion. Please seek the help of a qualified professional if you need to. However, I hope for this series of posts to help others as I explore myself and discuss dreams and other related things. So feel free to comment if you like, as I am always willing to learn.

Tell your friends!






Written by Majyckle

👽 Extra Terrestrial Hybrid ⚡️Practical Magic⚡️ for Practical People🧙‍♂️

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