Astral Projection for spiritual and mental health
Have you ever wished you could just leave your body behind and explore the world freely? Well, with astral projection, you can do just that! Astral projection is the ability to consciously separate your spirit body from your physical body and explore the astral plane. This ancient practice has been used for centuries as a way to explore the world beyond our physical reality and connect with our higher selves.
With a little practice, anyone can learn to astral project. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about astral projection, from the basics of how it works to some of the best techniques for achieving it. By the end of this guide, you will be well on your way to exploring the astral plane!
Let’s get right to it.
The easiest way to do this is to stay awake while you fall asleep. How can you do this you ask? My answer is that you occupy the mind with some interesting task designed to keep you awake while you go to sleep. You will do this by contemplating the material I am about to share with you as you relax and allow the body to sleep while simultaneously keeping the mind alert as you shift from mundane consciousness to sleep consciousness.
Your body needs to go to sleep but your mind has to be awake. How you choose to induce this is up to you. The following is a safe proven method I use with varying success. If you read my previous post you hopefully have started writing your dreams in a diary. Make note of the moon and how it may be affecting your progress.
I am going to assume you are like most of us and only really have time to devote to this when it is (conveniently enough) time to go to sleep. As you lay in a comfortable position simply relax and see, in your mind’s eye, a ball of light begins to form above your physical body. It can be any color you choose. See this ball of light extend to become the size and shape of a roll of paper towels.
You will now wrap yourself from head to toe as with bandages. Consider if you were an ancient Egyptian mummy and the light was wrapping you in this fashion. When you are satisfied that you have sufficiently solidified this idea in your mind’s eye think about your self-image. Use the image you want to be, not how you feel about yourself.
Wiggle your fingers as you continue to relax. The light wrapping around you up and down should be on auto-pilot by now. When this happens, feel what it feels like to wiggle your fingers without actually wiggling them. Wiggle them with your spirit body. Repeat the same process with your toes and then realize your entire spirit body if you can with the same awareness as you drift from physical waking consciousness to sleeping consciousness. Maintaining awareness of the sensations will help you to at least maintain lucidity if not complete awareness and autonomy (which is awesome by the way).
A word of warning. If you are successful this might scare the crap out of you. I will go into more detail in later posts. Right now you want to control your dream and you probably want to do it tonight. So, you will probably hear sounds and see sights which may frighten you. You will feel paralyzed. The previous exercise of feeling the sensations of the physical body and transferring those sensations to the spirit body is to facilitate easing this process of transferring awareness from waking consciousness to sleeping consciousness. This sleep paralysis is called Hypnagogia.
Relax and continue the body of light exercise as you wiggle your spiritual fingers and toes. Allow the body to sleep and the noises and images will fade as you are now in the dream world.
I will continue this series on dreaming and it’s uses for spiritual development and mental health as it works for me. Do not be afraid to comment or ask questions or even debate me if you wish. I am learning as I go and sharing what I find.