The Many Wonders of Dreaming (part 7)

3 min readDec 27, 2022


The first room in the temple.

“In my father’s house are many mansions” ~ Jesus Christ

In each room resides an archetype. In Kabalistic literature, it is mapped as the tree of life glyph known as the sephirot. In Yogic texts, these are the chakras. Not just mystical rooms in your mind but actual centers of consciousness located along or near the physical spine.

Ganglia nerve centers generate real electromagnetic, radio, and light frequencies just like a real robot. Think of them as little psychic holodecks or movie theaters, “Akashic libraries”, if you will. These libraries contain associated information concerning events in your life that is more or less governed by or fall under the category of, the energies created by those activities.

These are subconscious temples where a corresponding archetype, or god, lives and has its world and everything. Each culture has its own custom version of the same archetypes but not all the gods correspond with one another even though they operate the same library in the building. Humans are like a subdivision of duplicate houses. The only difference is the decorations, landscaping and any remodeling we may have done. Life is not an HOA (unless you go to church).

The first shrine in the temple of God is located at Muladhara chakra, just one of the seven primary chakras (centers of archetypical consciousness) in the human body. It is located near the base of the spine close to the regenerative center of the human body.

The electromagnetic and sound frequencies, radio waves and light energies generated by the body in this area are associated with the elements of the earth associated with nurturing and or protection. The Muladhara chakra is responsible for our feeling of safety and security, and it is where our primal survival instincts are stored.

Protection and Nurturing are two sides of the same coin of life generation or action. ( Chakra means wheel, coin or disc ). Security and protection are considered Paternal or biological and traditional male or masculine functions by nature. Whereas, because child-bearing, Safety and Nurturing are considered Maternal.

The archetype associated with this energy is that of a child. Precocious, innocent, honest, needy. But also adventurous, curious, virile and determined. Its function appears to be preparing the body for the kinds of vigorous activities associated with “fight or flight,” that is, with running from danger or with preparing for violence or strenuous activity.

You may already be familiar with the oldest popular operating example of this archetype on the planet. There are myriad others but Lord Ganesh is by far hands down the most popular archetype on the planet that is associated with the energy generated in this area of the human body.

Lord Ganesh is one of the major gods of the Vedic pantheon. Remember, all gods are archetypes and therefore a part of you. Ganesh is known as the remover of obstacles, and he is often invoked at the beginning of new ventures or undertakings. He is the part of you that ‘gets it done’.

There is plenty of information available on this deity and others that you may feel drawn to use in your quest for self-knowledge. This is being written in 2022. Religion and spirituality are changing quickly. Advancements in technology and science add new data to the program and the images of the archetypes evolve as we evolve and adapt.

There is nothing wrong with using imagery that only you understand. It depends on your intention. If you have people around you who would discourage your investigations then sometimes it is best to exercise discretion. There are Luddites even to this day who would gladly burn a witch at the stake just for the cultural appeal alone which is sickening but you know it’s true.

Real Masters do not need to advertise.

It’s called Occult for a reason.

It’s between you and god.

The author (Majyckle) is not a qualified psychologist or therapist in any fashion. Please seek the help of a qualified professional if you need to. However, I hope for this series of posts to help others as I explore myself and discuss dreams and other related things. So feel free to comment if you like, as I am always willing to learn.

Tell your friends!






Written by Majyckle

👽 Extra Terrestrial Hybrid ⚡️Practical Magic⚡️ for Practical People🧙‍♂️

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