The planets, the archetypes and the Holy of Holies.
The archetypes in our subconscious are aspects of the human psyche that are common to all of us. They are the fundamental building blocks of our personality. These are “the gods” of antiquity. Your body is the temple of these gods. They are hardwired into your DNA.
Coincidentally enough the planets are all in a certain synchronicity which the ancients have somehow been able to catalogue and utilize. From this we have astrology, as opposed to astronomy. I am not an astrologer and I don’t really understand it. But I do know that the planets play an interesting role when casting horoscopes. Astrology offers something to a lot of people and I can only say that if nothing else, the psychology of the gods is imbedded enough into the collective psyche of each culture so indelibly that the planets are traditionally named for them in all cultures.
The seven basic archetypes are: The Self, The mother, The Warrior, The communicator, The sage, the Lover, The Teacher and The Shadow. These are all different parts of your personality. These basic archetypes being universal to each culture are custom tailored to that culture. The cultural archetypes of each culture have been anthropomorphized into their respective god forms and assigned to the planets in the heavens as a mnemonic means of communicating the esoteric to the exoteric. As above so below.
The archetype of the Self has been assigned to the Sun. The archetype of the mother has been assigned to the moon. The archetype of the warrior assigned to Mars and the communicator has been assigned to Mercury. The archetype of the sage has been assigned to the planet Jupiter. The Lover is Venus, The teacher is Saturn and the shadow is assigned to the planet Pluto.
In America the predominant Solar archetype in the local collective psyche is Jesus Christ. The solar archetype of the human is that which we would aspire to as being the most perfect image of ourselves, as opposed to the actual personage of The Lord Jesus Christ himself. This is the mystery of the veil that was torn from the temple.
God lives In the holiest of holies sanctuary inside the temple. Usually represented as the eye in the pyramid this would be the pineal gland or third eye. This can be represented in real time with an idol installed in a physical mundane real-world temple.
But the added bonus is the active ritual of anointing the idols in return for blessings has the effect of performing it in your mind or temple of god because that is where you actually live. The inner temple of the mind is where all our thoughts, actions, and deeds are recorded. Every day, we experience the outside world and our brains record what we do. Over time, these recordings become habits and patterns. If we want to change our lives, we need to change the recordings in our inner temple.
One way to change the recordings in our inner temple is to practice devotion to God. When we bathe and worship God every day, we are making a recording in our inner temple that is positive and affirming. Over time, these recordings will begin to overwrite the negative recordings in our inner temple. As we continue to practice this devotion, we will see positive changes in our lives.
In my practice I have found that the shiva lingam is a good exterior repository for my inner god. I have chosen this as I feel the classical definition of lord shiva embodying both masculine and feminine qualities. I like the symbols of the Sun and the moon. These are, to me, the light and dark halves of our self, our soul. Shiva and shakti. Spiritually we are gender neutral, or both, depending on how you look at it.
The energy generated at the top of the head creates the chakra known as Saraswara , or Sahasrara. It is symbolized as the thousand-petalled as a symbol of complete, unfolding Consciousness. This is said to emanate from the top of the head where the soft spot would be on an infant. This is the solar half of the higher self.
The lunar or feminine side of the higher self, is symbolized in the temple as either a maiden, mother or crone. Commonly known as the Bindu chakra, is located emanating from the top back of the skull where the hair swirls.
There is a sound associated with this area of the temple which is created by all the sounds in your head at once. It is commonly referred to as “OM”. But you generally only hear this when you are calm and at peace. Normally you hear whatever dominate thought is replaying. The mind is wild and needs you to discipline it. This is why the old sages sing “OM” in order to cause the reverberation in the body causing the thoughts and mind to slow down.
Cerebral spinal fluid which surrounds the brain and flows in the spinal column just like Dr. Emoto’s experiments would also in theory retain any information vibrated into it. The ancient Vedas assert that the actual noise or sound itself is more important or relevant than the intention or meaning behind the respective mantra.
By consecrating a sacred object as being by proxy your higher self or pineal gland or whichever you deem to be the most appropriate, you may attend to the issue of communicating to the gods in symbolic ways. For the best results it is best to be respectful and even somewhat submissive knowing they hold sway over your actions and decision-making processes.
Attending to the god this way brings you closer and soon you will begin to see the benefits in your mundane life. There will be signal graces and small miracles and you will know where they are coming from.
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It’s called Occult for a reason.
It’s between you and god.
The author (Majyckle) is not a qualified psychologist or therapist in any fashion. Please seek the help of a qualified professional if you need to. However, I hope for this series of posts to help others as I explore myself and discuss dreams and other related things. So feel free to comment if you like, as I am always willing to learn.
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