The descent into the under world
The human body is the temple of god. You are the god which resides inside this temple. The human body is the physical manifestation of you. The argument of whether your consciousness is generated by the body, or if the body is merely a host for your consciousness is a moot point. Regardless of either, the fact remains that you are currently residing in or encompassing your physical body.
Another fact is that we experience everything inside our head as a memory. Everything we experience outside our head we call ‘the real world’ or ‘waking consciousness’. Everything we experience inside our head is either a memory, or a fantasy. But there is another experience going on inside our head also. It’s called thinking. The mind is processing data at an incredibly incomprehensible rate.
Everything which you are experiencing in the outside waking consciousness world is always happening right now. It’s not happening in the future and it is not happening in the past. It could happen in the future. It has happened in the past. But everything else is happening right now everywhere all at once. Everything which has happened in your experience is contained within you as a memory. Inside your head, you can, more or less, travel to the past. You can also speculate, fantasize over and make decisions based upon future possibilities arising from current circumstances. Thus, you are able to simulate traveling forward in time to select from possible outcomes.
All the data from your experiences is perpetually processed in your mind. I theorize that our experiences are somehow absorbed into the DNA after a time probably due to repetition creating neural pathways and ‘ruts’. This is how our habits and behavioral patterns are created; both learned and inherited.
This same data, which is memory, is also a resource. The Akashic library often referred to by some. You are able to draw upon this data and make summaries, assumptions, presumptions, conclusions, assessments, decisions, etc. all based upon the data you collect and think about even when you are not paying attention to it. Sometimes you don’t even know how you knew; you just did.
The human body is also often depicted as the universe in many cultures and I have touched on this briefly before. The cave is often depicted as the entrance to the underworld. In your dreams you should have, or soon will, notice some reoccurring themes. One of them is the housing of your youth. The mind uses this imagery because it is a simple symbol of what it represents. You know what it is without having to be told. This is the inner ‘church’ or house of the gods, of which your experiences are anthropomorphized into their respective categories which are the rooms in the house or room in the mansion in which the gods reside. Each one has their own temple. Which I postulate are the chakras in the human body.
When you are intentionally entering into the state of lucidity required to interface with your archetypes it has, in the past, been called “Descending into the underworld”. Stories and legends abound. Ariadne’s thread is the story from whence the phrase “To have a clue” comes from. The thread was given to Theseus by Ariadne to find his way out of the labyrinth after killing the minotaur.
Every night during the regeneration process, you descend into the underworld. The entrance to the underworld is guarded by a monster. A three headed dog named Cerebos, or as in the previously mentioned story, a minotaur. The similarity between Theseus killing the Minotaur and Christ descending into Hell to set the captives free is readily discernable by the educated student. The Mythologies of the ancients were held to the same standards as modern popular sacred texts. Ancient Magical Religions were, in essence, the psychotherapy of the times.
The problem with writing about this is trying to trigger the actual experience for the aspiring student. Because that is what most of you want. For many it comes naturally, others remain skeptical simply because they have yet to experience it. But, the anecdotal evidence remains if nothing else from prehistorical times. All of this has evolved into the various religions and spiritual systems we have all over the planet. For this reason, I am trying to avoid seeming as if I favor one over the other.
All religions are a piece of the puzzle. Only the more immediate necessities and distractions of daily life have caused the leaders to focus on the more practical and, unfortunately, superficial aspects of human spirituality. Ultimate power corrupts ultimately is the axiom. Many a religious figure has turned out to be a charlatan or grifter in the end. The pitfalls and temptations along the way is many. Walking the straight and narrow is not easy. The road is twisted with many forks and side routes.
But the ancients have left us maps. The most famous and popular map I can think of is the Kabalistic glyph known as “The Tree of Life”. Some have indicated this may be the Cross upon which Christ was Crucified. Other’s say it is the temple of Solomon and its many rooms. But you will know it as the house or place which you recognize as ‘home’ in your dreams.
Continue with the exercise I have given you in the second installment of this series. Find yourself a ring which you can use specifically for dreaming. Discover the archetype most likely related or associated with the issue you wish to resolve. Look for the house in your dreams. Find a suitable representation of this archetype or ‘god/dess’ and have a go at it. Discussing your issues with them is no different than talking to God, with a big ‘G’. Just a little more specialized.
Real Masters have no need to advertise.
It’s called Occult for a reason.
It’s between you and god.
The author (Majyckle) is not a qualified psychologist or therapist in any fashion. Please seek the help of a qualified professional if you need to. However, I hope for this series of posts to help others as I explore myself and discuss dreams and other related things. So, feel free to comment if you like, as I am always willing to learn.
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